Shipping & Returns
All digital orders(EBOOKS) will be sent via email immediately after payment. All digital preorders(EBOOKS) will be sent via email immediately after the publication date.
All signed paperbacks have a processing time of 1-14 days and all hardcovers have a processing time of 1-20 days. Once your order is processed and shipped, you should receive your order in 3-8 business days.
All paperback preorders have a processing time of 1-14 days after the publication date and all hardcover preorders have a processing time of 1-20 days. Once your order is processed and shipped, you should receive your order in 3-8 business days.
If you do not receive the order, check with your post office first before contacting Tay at [email protected] for assistance. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages.
International orders may have higher shipping rates when shipped from the USA warehouse, so consider buying from retailers such as AMAZON. Their shipping is cheaper since they may have a warehouse in your country or close to your country. Please note that the books from Amazon and other retailers will not be signed.
If you buy from this website, there may be import, tax, or customs fees when the package arrives in your country. We do not pay for these fees because we do not collect these fees from you at payment. You are in charge of paying for these fees to have your package released from customs.
Please note that we cannot ship to a business.
If you do not see your country listed or are unable to purchase, contact Tay at [email protected].
If you do not receive the order, contact Tay at [email protected] for assistance.
All sales are final. We do not accept returns or exchanges and we have a no refund policy. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages. But if you are having a problem with your package, feel free to contact Tay for help.
If you received a product that has been damaged in the mail, contact Tay at [email protected] within 5 days of receiving the product. Please include photos of the damaged package, the product, and your order number in the email. If we are not contacted within the 5 days, we will not be able to process your claim.